Monday, 31 January 2011

New Characters for Season 7

There are to be three new characters for the seventh season, which is currently slated to be released early next year, these characters are:


Jeremy will be voiced by Thomasfan8, the creator of the movie "Jeopardy". Flora will be voiced by PrettyRosie1995 and Hank will be voiced by MurphyProductions282. 

Photos taken from TTTE Wikia.

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Christmas and New Year's Specials

Here's my Christmas special episode that was originals posted on YouTube on Christmas Day 2010

And here's my New Year's Special which is a sort of prequel to the events that happen in my upcoming movie - Kidnapped! I am very proud of this episode and I am very pleased with the Voice Actors' performances!

Old Problems in the New Year was written by Thomasfan and I and is the first episode to feature my new James model and the brown TrackMaster track!

Series 6

Series Six of my series was posted on YouTube recently. Here's a catchup:

All of these episodes, except Saved You! and Percy's Parcel, are original stories written by myself and Thomafan. Please take the time to watch them and leave comments to let me know what you think. Thanks!